As a member of the FIP, the Hai Fu fleet is dedicated to sustainable fisheries. We continue to pursue corporate social responsibility and hope to create a better future for the planet with marine sustainability as our mission.

With more than 20 years of experience in pelagic saury and squid fishery, Hai Fu international fishery group has made sustainable fishing our corporate goal. We have joined the Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP) following the global trend of conservation. In addition, we invest in various risk assessment, monitoring, and control measures, focusing on “marine sustainability”, “corporate social responsibility”, and “cultivating crew members and port talents”. This group aims to accomplish the goal of conservation, practicing fishery management, and advancing toward sustainable fishery development.

Emergency Response Procedure

Our company and fleets conduct two-way simulated "crisis response mechanism" drills every year and establish monthly, quarterly, and annual ship emergency training programs.
We improve our crew's ability to respond in an emergency depending on the type and frequency of disaster. In addition, our company can effectively offer immediate support in ensuring smooth communication between the shore management and the crews on the ship.

Crew Welfare

  • Smoothly complaint procedure
  • Provision of employment contract written in native languages of crew members
  • Wages paid in US dollars at port (In compliance with the regulations of Fisheries Agency)
  • Provision of WIFI and easy way to stay in touch with family
  • Freedom of movement
  • Work equality
  • Consent for retention of personal documents
  • Working hours in compliance with regulations

Crew Safety

  • Health and Safety
    We provide safe and hygienic working and living environments, paying particular attention to the prevention of accidents and incidents, hazard labeling and management, fire safety, emergency handling mechanism, crew training, first aid and medical services, personal protective equipment, equipment and electrical safety, noise control, lighting and ventilation of vessels, sanitation on board, and access to necessities such as clean drinking water and hygienic food.
  • Crew Awareness and Training
    Hai Fu ensures that crew members will receive training upon arrival in the country of embarkation, during the embarkation process, and before starting any work, on rules and procedures regarding the workplace, the complaint procedures and channels, and working conditions including any health and safety hazards, and the precautions needed to protect personal safety.