Cold Chain Management System

With over 50 years of experience in cold chain logistics, Hai Fu has warehouses that can accommodate up to 10,000 tons of goods with 24-hour temperature control throughout the facilities. Our "Cold Chain Management System" can accurately capture product temperature data with its long-range, high-penetration radio frequency technology. Furthermore, our "cloud query and management technology" can consistently provide storage temperature, humidity, defrosting, and other key values through dashboard record reports. We carefully control every aspect of raw material storage, incoming and outgoing shipments, and delivery to manage data such as temperature, shipment time, and quantity of goods in real-time.

Professional Warehouse 

Our licensed professional warehouse management staff is knowledgeable about the preservation principles of various aquatic products, warehouse safety regulations, and low-temperature transportation and distribution methods. Furthermore, they continue to study HACCP and cold chain courses to advance their knowledge of the cold chain.

Accredited “Hygiene and Safety Management System Certification of Fishery Products for Export for Warehouse” and AGV Intelligent Warehouse System

We are accredited as "Hygiene and Safety Management System Certification of Fishery Products for Export for Warehouse" as a result of our rigorous quality control procedures, making us one of the few warehouses in Taiwan that can sell aquatic products in the EU and international markets. Our company continues to operate in Taiwan, currently constructing the "Hai Sheng Automatic Registration Warehouse" with the introduction of the AGV intelligent warehouse system. In the future, we will use sensors, radio-frequency identification (RFID), communication networks, GPS, and other methods for warehouse management. Additionally, we will bring in automated logistics equipment that enables automatic data capture, identification, early warning, and management to lower warehousing costs, maximize efficiency, and enhance intelligent management capabilities. Our company and fleets conduct two-way simulated "crisis response mechanism" drills every year and have established monthly, quarterly, and annual ship emergency training programs. We continually improve our crew's ability to respond in an emergency depending on the type and frequency of disaster. In addition, our company can effectively offer immediate support in ensuring smooth communication between shore management and the crews on the ship.